2024 Shareholders’ Dividend Meeting



On May 10, 2024, the 2024 Shareholders’ Dividend Meeting of Suzhou Leader Network Technology Co., Ltd. was held on the 8th floor of Meguiar’s Industrial Park, the headquarters of Leader. The meeting was hosted by Chen Guoan, CEO of Ultra Clean & Easy, with the participation of 13 small and medium shareholders, Treasurer Wang Xiaona and CEO Assistant Xia Juan!


Looking Back Together


The meeting was chaired by CEO Mr. Chen Guoan. Mr. Chen firstly reported to all shareholders the asset status, operation status, investment return and other core data of Leader and its subsidiaries as of the end of 2023. He said that this achievement in the current environment of uncertainty could not have been achieved without the trust of every shareholder and the unremitting efforts of all employees, and was the crystallization of collective wisdom and common struggle. In recent years, the company has made a number of dividends, aiming to flexibly and timely benefit every shareholder with the operating results. It reflects the strong profitability and good financial position of the enterprise. This series of dividend initiatives fully demonstrates the corporate culture of “Sharing Value” and the solid fulfillment of the commitment to shareholders of Honbest Group and Leader.



Post time: May-28-2024